The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163442   Message #4113482
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
15-Jul-21 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
Subject: RE: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
stilly, I did wonder when I started reading the article if the conclusion (the King slept here!) was pseudoscience, but the final par showed it was a real excavation/archaeological project.

Another article with a link to the survey Anchor Church Caves: Anglo-Saxon Home and Oldest House in Britain? ... Archaeologists from Wessex Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Institute of the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) recently joined forces to survey of the Anchor Church Caves in the English county of Derbyshire, listed as a grade II building. The results of this new study have been published in the Proceedings of the UBSS (University of Bristol Spelaeological Society)

When I started reading this I also wondered if was wish-fulfillment - The Quest to Understand Haliphat’s Speaking Handshapes but Plato in the 5th century BC mentioned sign language used by "dumb" people.

Now when did I start this post? It's definitely time to get back to stuff I need to do, no more browsing on interesting (time wasting???) sites!
