The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170179   Message #4115085
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
02-Aug-21 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: Fiction Stories about Folk Music/Singers
Subject: Fiction Stories about Folk Music/Singers
I'm looking to find any books (fiction only please),that are written into the story line about folk music/folksingers. The entire book doesn't have to be just about this subject but just portions of the book where it is written into the story somehow. For the purpose of this thread, I am only looking for stories where folk singers, folk music is the genre.
Not looking for fiction stories about blues, country, bluegrass, pop - Only Folk and ONLY Fiction.

If you know the book title and author, please post the information. It doesn't have to be a current book, it can be from any year in the past.
Thank you.

P.S. Why am I looking for fiction books like this?
Just for my own interest. Really no reason in particular exactly, just curious is all.