The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170167   Message #4115218
Posted By: Backwoodsman
03-Aug-21 - 04:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Regional UK Accents
Subject: RE: BS: Regional UK Accents
There are plenty of other BBC presenters whose pronunciation is far from perfect. We hear about ‘shtreets’, or ‘shtudents’ frequently from the traffic-reporter on the Ken Bruce programme, ‘Febuary’, ‘Wensday’, ‘sikth’, ‘restauranteur’, ‘mischiev-i-ous’, etc., etc. regularly on other shows and news programmes.

So I wonder why that fat, greasy, plummy-mouthed ball-bag has chosen to single out as the sole victim of his venom and vitriol a young, attractive ex-international sportswoman, who is currently carving out a successful new career for herself? Presumably he objects to ‘common people’ like her getting ‘above her station’?