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Thread #31348   Message #411535
Posted By: Rollo
05-Mar-01 - 06:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: We May Not Be Alone, part II
Subject: RE: BS: We May Not Be Alone, part II
And now to something completely different... but it is fitting perfectly into the topic „we are not (maybe) alone...

I just came over an article in a science fiction magazine (The scientific journal in „Perry Rhodan" No. 2062 ) about faster than light propulsions). Says there in the year of 1991 the russian physician Eugen Podkletnov found an effect of gravity manipulation in the finnish town of Tampere. While researching superconductivity in ceramics he let hover a ceramic disc in liquid helium by magnetic force, then let the disc spin by two other electormagnetic producing rotating fields. Incidently he discovered that objects lost 1% to 2% of their weight above the disc! In the year of 1989 the chinese physician Ning Li who teaches at Alabama State University had prognosted such effect in a theory. NASA has founded a projekt to explore this effect, but there are no results yet, the reason the ceramic disk being very difficult to construct. It has to be very sturdy to survive the high forces during rotation. Podkletnov had needed three years to build his.

Now, doesn't there ring a bell when you hear about rotating discs and gravity forces???

RIGHT! FLYING SAUCERS!!! The classical UFO is a spinning disc wich's high maneuvrebility can only be reached by a gravitation force propulsion... So maybe there are no LGM sitting in flying saucers, but it might be possible to construct one...

The article describes the physical principles behind it but I feel to tired to translate all this into english... but there are named some net sources where you might find out more:

PROJEKT NAME: Exploration of Gravity Modification by Josephson Junction Effects in Magnetized High-Tc Superconducting Oxides Project leader: Glen A. Robertson and Ron R. Lichford, NASA Marshall Space Center, Huntsville, Alabama

A possibility of gravitional forces shielding by bulk , E. Podklednov and R. nieminen, Physica C 203 (1992) 441 and 442

weak gravitational shielding properties of composite bulk YBa2Cu307-x superconductor below 70K under e.m. field, E. Podkletnov, version 3, 9/16/1997, LANL database nr. cond-mat/9701074 also under

also the Delta-G-Project at NASA MSFC under