The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5644   Message #4115874
Posted By: GUEST,Moira Jakobsson
08-Aug-21 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Room for us All in the Dance (Ian Davison)
Subject: ADD: Room for us All in the Dance (Ian Davison)
Ian Davison

Wi Phil on the box and Ally* on the fiddle
We birl at the tap and dash doon the middle_
What she sees in him is a riddle
But there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

There’s some no even started yet
An some are up for every set an
Some wi their faces shining wi sweat
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

Theyre a’ up noo wi the sergeant dashin
An the elbows up an the partners clashin
An the blood is up an the eyes are flashin
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle
The cry goes up for the Strip the Willow
An the ties are aff and the dresses billow
An I widnae mind her tae share ma pillow
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

Then arm in arm in rows we’re headin
Steppin it oot for Marie’s Weddin
An some’ll no miss the weight they’re sheddin
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

It’s Quarrie’s jig an Autumn in Appin
The feet all goin an the haunds all clappin
An the Deil knows_ what next’ll happen
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

Now the Duke o’ Perth and the Eightsome Reel
Ye’d think we a’ had springs in oor heels
An a wee quick cuddle or a kiss we’ll steal
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

Wi the Hamilton Rant an the Cashmere Shawl
Ye can hardly hear the callers calls
Wi the din that’s echoin aff the walls
An there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle

But noo it’s time fur toddlin hame
An maist o the people are limp an lame
An quite a few folk lyin’ there maimed
But there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle
We birl at the tap and dash doon the middle
An what she sees in him is a riddle
But there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Wi Phil on the box and Ally on the fiddle
We birl at the tap and dash doon the middle
An what she sees in him is a riddle
But there’s room for us a’ in the dance.

Phil Cunningham on accordian and Aly Bain on fiddle