The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4117747
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
24-Aug-21 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Mudcat Australia/NZ Songbook
The Lockdown Song - Sincere apologies to Tony Hatch from Ralph Pride. Tune: “Downtown” Petula Clark, 1964.

When you’re at home, and you are feeling so lonely
It’s because - you’re in ...... .........LOCK DOWN
Staring at walls and wandering aimlessly ‘round
Is so much fun - you’re in ..............LOCK DOWN
Listening to Gladys, on the telly listing cases
Of people in the hospital, with plumbing in their faces,
Gasping for breath...............Bloody near death !

But that will not happen to you –
You can forget all your troubles,
Forget all your cares, you’re in ...LOCK DOWN
You will be safe - you’re in .......LOCK DOWN
Socially distancing ................LOCK DOWN
No better place you can be........Lockdown......Lockdown

Stay home from work, no need to go anywhere
And it’s because - you’re in ......LOCK DOWN
Think about the money, you can save on the fare
And it’s because - you’re in ......LOCK DOWN
But you can still go out and have, a run around the city
But don’t you go too far away, it’s really such a pity,
They’ll send you back home.................Wearing your mask!

Isn’t it nice we can rely on the army
It’s because - you’re in ............LOCK DOWN
Keeping us safely far away from each other
It’s because - you’re in ............LOCK DOWN
If you’re quarantining and, don’t answer at the knocking
They’ll send around a Bushmaster, and copters chop, chop, chopping
Coming for you............. A big hefty fine!

When it’s all over, and we’re all out in clover
And we’re all - not in...................LOCK DOWN
We can go take a cab, because we’ve all had our jab
And we’re all - not in...................LOCK DOWN
We won’t have to go and get those, things stuck up our noses,
Tough about the ones who now are, pushing up the roses
They didn’t survive.................Where were their jabs?

Last Chorus: (sung softer & softer until you finish with a whisper)
But that did not happen to you,
So, forget all your troubles,
Forget all your cares, because.....LOCK DOWN
We were so safe, because...........LOCK DOWN
Socially distancing................LOCK DOWN
Wearing our masks, because.........LOCK DOWN
Staying at home, because...........LOCK DOWN
Jabs in our arms, because..........LOCK DOWN
Queued up for hours, for ...... ...LOCK DOWN
Swabs up our noses, and ...........LOCK DOWN
Bloody near destitute.................LOCKDOWN