The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31538   Message #412144
Posted By: JedMarum
06-Mar-01 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
Great stuff, Wesley; thanks for the update/s. Sorry I missed you at NTIF, but it sounds like you caught some excellent shows. I caught a bit of Danu myself, and enjoyed meeting them. I also spent as much time as I could at the Ed Miller/Brian MacNeill/John Taylor shows. In spite of the Sat weather, it was a grand festival.

I am sorry to hear about your mother's passing, but glad to see your humor and enjoyment in the other life stories! I was 'tagged' in the rear end while stopped at a red light a few ago, too. It's hard to believe, but I guess it happens. The guy who hit us was likewise, without insurance - must be a different set of rules for the uninsured! We hope to get our vehicle back this week.

Glad to hear that your family is well. Hope to see you at a YOBB session one-o-these-days.