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Thread #170427   Message #4121508
Posted By: Senoufou
01-Oct-21 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
Subject: RE: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
Oh Steve, if you were sitting here beside me I'd give you a great big hug! What a lovely post, you've expressed everything I've been thinking about this terrible case, and about women's safety in general.
I've just read that the monster's colleagues thought he was a really fun chap and nicknamed him 'The Rapist' even before this murder. Can you believe it???!!!
I know that all men aren't like this, and I'm lucky enough to know several genuinely good men, but there is indeed a 'lads' culture' in which women are seen as objects for what is infuriatingly called 'banter', and that it certainly is not safe for any woman to walk alone outside, in towns, cities or the countryside. This is disgraceful.
As you know, I've done 'Prison Visiting', and rest assured this jailed copper will be attacked at every opportunity by the other inmates, unless he goes 'on the numbers' - an expression meaning taking the option of having a cell on a special Wing (isolation).
God forgive me, but I actually hope he commits bloomin' suicide.