The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170427   Message #4121602
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Oct-21 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
Subject: RE: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
"All women know they are prey – and that no one with any authority seems to care
Marina Hyde". (in todays Guardian)

Please google this. Sorry, I'm useless at links. This, to me anyway, is a superb article which sums up the problem we have with the way we men - but maybe not just men... view and treat women. It took me two hours to cut my over-long grass this afternoon, a window of opportunity in a whole bunch of wet weather (I do have half an acre of grass...) and I seethed about this horrid event for the whole two hours (it sort of made the job pass more easily, which wasn't what I really wanted...) We've had stuff on the telly tonight about the grooming and exploitation of teenage girls. I'm not putting it too strongly when I say I can't bloody bear that stuff. I mean, what's up with us. And what I don't bloody want to hear from our sick politicians and police commissioners is that "we have to learn lessons." No we don't. We have to DO something. Grr...