The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170427   Message #4121624
Posted By: Senoufou
02-Oct-21 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
Subject: RE: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
As with most 'social' problems, it's a good idea first to investigate the causes. There could be many reasons for certain attitudes among men towards women:-
Hormones (testosterone in all mammals affects behaviour)
Culture (All men 'must' be seen to be tough, macho, emotionless, full of 'phwoar', always up for sex/a cheap thrill)
Religious background ('all women are inferior, created by God to serve and pleasure men')
Sport (in the past, men were strong and sporty, most women were tender and weak)
Aggression - to defend their territory and their families (two world wars demonstrated this attitude).
All these things would be extremely difficult to erase from the male psyche.
Punishment (including life-for-life sentencing, or even the Death Penalty, which I don't support) doesn't change attitudes, it just wreaks revenge.
Sigh. Haven't a clue what we could do.
Steve - have you got a ride-on mower? We did in our last house, and I adored whizzing around on it! Husband loved it too.