The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170427   Message #4121640
Posted By: Senoufou
02-Oct-21 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
Subject: RE: BS: The murder of Sarah Everard
I can see we all understand the problem, appreciate the causes, identify the type of perpetrators and the areas in which it occurs, view askance the roots of it all and approve of stern sentencing of offenders. But What Can Be Done To Change Things??
My only suggestion is for Feminism to come to the fore. We women need to stand up for ourselves like my feisty niece (she's an ardent feminist, gives lectures, participates in public demonstrations etc)
In short, we need to become more like men! Not hating men, not despising them, but forming a new society in which equal rights, standards and respect prevail. Sounds very 'soapboxy' I know. But what alternatives are there?
I have an advantage here. As you know, my much-loved husband is an African (women? pah!) and a Muslim (women? pah and double pah!) But I knew about these attitudes, having seen them in action all over W Africa. Fortunately, we have achieved a compromise, using mutual respect, understanding and kindness. Plus a lot of love. Could there be some sort of clue in this for addressing the misogynistic crew?