The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141825   Message #4124335
Posted By: GUEST,PB
27-Oct-21 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Alternative Gaudete lyrics/Awayday (Kipper)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Alternative Gaudete lyrics
Almost anything by the Archpoet will fit to Gaudete:

Meum est propositum in taberna mori,
ut sint vina proxima morientis ori.
tunc cantabunt letius angelorum chori:
"Sit Deus propitius huic potatori"

My free* translation, different metre:

My only ambition's to die in a pub,
Surrounded by women and liquor and grub.
You'll hear all the angels, "Saint Peter," they'll shout,
"Come and open the gates for this drunken old lout!"

Or try this:

Meum pectus sauciat puellarum decor,
Et quas tactu nequeo, Saltem corde mechor

*Paypal donations accepted