The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4125806
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Nov-21 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Well maybe I'm being devil's advocate, but the point here about the *invasive* nature of vaccination is unarguable, and that does not apply to seatbelts or crash hats. On the other hand, the actual invasive aspect of a vaccination is trivial. I know that, you know that, tens of millions know that. But millions do NOT know that. They have been hoodwinked by idiots on Facebook into thinking that the vaccine is dangerous. They have somehow missed out on the fact that side effects of any severity are extremely rare. The government did an absolutely shite, groaningly head-in-hands job of not reassuring people about side effects last spring. The mass media bigged up the exceptionally rare, and unproven, cases of severe side effects. What that leads to is millions of people dubious about the vaccine. When we had the Aids "Don't die of ignorance" campaign, we had telly adverts and we had billboards everywhere. It struck home. So where are the telly ads and the billboards telling us to get the jab, reassuring us that your arse won't actually drop off if you get jabbed?

And I think I mentioned Facebook there, Dave...