The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159235   Message #4125816
Posted By: JennieG
10-Nov-21 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rap for emperor
Subject: RE: BS: Rap for emperor
The Imperial Torturer and Spouse are keeping a close eye on the weather as a crap ton (or, if you prefer, a shit load) of rain is forecast for the next few days, starting from later today. It is raining lightly as we speak, and it has rained over the past week anyway, so things are a little soggy right now.

Deserving miscreants are being moved to slightly - only very slightly - higher ground, while the less deserving are being left where they are.

Fortunately the living quarters of your Torturer and Spouse, and the resident Geriatric White Cat, are high and dry.

Imperial Torturer, Dungeon Choir Wrangler and Overseer of Empiratical Banjo Ensemble
[ยง] Her mark
(For which I thank Our Most Gracious Emperor Rapparee)