The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168285   Message #4126984
Posted By: Donuel
22-Nov-21 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects
The new normal
like a guillotine
The new normal is growing so fast and furious I just can't keep up.
Like in WW II the new normal is created in courts and by bullets.
It ended in a new technological conflagration of incineration.
A pandemic has created new normals that I can't count.
63 dead per some mass shootings is beyond my scope.
Today we learned to never attend holiday parades.
A lame duck President inciting murder in DC.
Lies are faster than the speed of sound.
Keyboard Nazis defend a new liberty.
A freedom to never ever vaccinate.
They say Democrats eat babies.
Its not said, if or maybe.
Dehumanization is easy.
When facts are flimsy
and lies are louder
We're going down
faster each day
in such a way
you can't

pretty soon you will lose you head