The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4127540
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Nov-21 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
"nobody has banned christmas..."

Not yet, but he effectively banned it last year, cutting it to a single day with extra restrictions, and it hit families like mine, with loved ones scattered all over the country, especially hard. It was arbitrary, cruel, unnecessary and ultimately useless. I can scarcely believe that I'm living in a supposedly democratic country in which a dangerous buffoon can tell people that they can't mix with their own families and that we must cover half our faces, the main attribute that most conveys our humanity to the world. As he's done it before and got away with it, he'll do it again. He thinks he can do what he likes, whether it's illegally proroguing Parliament, lying in his teeth during the brexit campaign, leaving his mask off in a bloody hospital or announcing stuff on Twitter before telling Parliament. And don't get me started on his support for Priti Patel, a thick, smirking bully who should have been sacked forever after her illicit dealings as a government minister in Israel, and greasy Grant Shapps, and ....and...