The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4127561
Posted By: Steve Shaw
29-Nov-21 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Nigel, I too would like to see a plan for the whole nation. It would go as follows:

Have a big campaign in all the media to give everyone honest information and advice. Get the stuff up on billboards everywhere, as we did, successfully, with Aids. The advice would revolve around our always being cautious, and around being kind and considerate to each other. To keep our distance. To get fresh air into our buildings. To wear masks if that makes us feel better, on the understanding that improper use of masks (currently routine) is worse than useless. Make masks free. Allow shopkeepers to make their own rules about masks. Encourage everyone to avoid crowds and crowded places and to consider doing the supermarket shopping at quiet times. Get everyone to obtain a free supply of lateral flow test kits. Encourage everyone who doesn't feel well to stay at home and test themselves. Strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated then boostered. Counter all the conspiracy theories with careful and measured truthful information. Take them on, head-on, big time. No scaremongering and absolutely no compulsion.

I would love to see Facebook disappear. It won't happen, but I certainly wouldn't vote against it. So much damage has been done by social media, but so many people who can't seem to live without it would rather divert the blame on to people who make measured arguments which challenge what our incompetent governments are doing. If that sounds like me being defensive, too bloody right I am. Shoot.