The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4128585
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Dec-21 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
There was a day when I had a set of studded snow tires (not legal in all 50 states, but ok in the Pacific NW) and chains for the car. Now I don't even own a set of chains. I wonder if my son does now that he's up there? Or do you simply use a wider deep tread radial, no chains?

Baking today, as I've given away the last of my holiday bread from the freezer. I'll make cookies soon also, but people do really like those breads (banana, pumpkin, zucchini, etc.). I have a couple of zucchini in the fridge, I could make some of that, but the bananas are black in the fridge so they come first.

Last week the PT from the Hinge Health program I'm doing sent me a sheet of knee exercises and I find a couple of those are really good to do when seated or in front of the computer desk. They also help prevent stiffness if I've been sitting working for a while. Seated, a simple lift one leg out straight and count to three 10 times, and standing, bend the knee up (90o behind) and count the same way. Switch and repeat. Something I can do while cooking, etc. The program I'm doing (for the hips) has the broadest range of motion but I'm glad to add some of their other body-part stretches or moves along the way. I may need to ask about lower back stretches next.

Two weeks and counting: What is everyone doing in preparation for the upcoming holiday season? Decluttering, dusting, rearranging, getting out the special china or flatware? I enjoy getting out crystal/glass pieces that usually are tucked away and adding ornaments to them for display around the house.