The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31566   Message #412899
Posted By: Alice
07-Mar-01 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Celtic melancholy
Subject: RE: BS: Celtic melancholy
Just a comment on the disdain of using the term "Celtic". I, too, for a time avoided using the word Celtic, especially because music marketers began using it to label tranced-out new age recordings. But, recently, I decided in my own small way to reclaim the label "Celtic", since there are styles of decorative art on artifacts and in manuscripts, as well as the music that has been developed in regions that were Celtic in language. I am not alone in struggling with using the label for music, but I've come to the conclusion that since I like to sing more than Irish songs, it was more appropriate for me to use "Celtic" to describe the type of songs I offer. I really don't think it is fair to lump all musicians who call their work "Celtic" like this - " musician/group had not mastered any particular musical tradition, and were copying licks off of records and jumbling them all together". There are very informed musicians who have also struggled with the way new-age has co-opted the word Celtic, and have yet decided to embrace the label. You can read about it in a discussion here, particularly between a Scottish musician and a Welsh/American singer. Are we all Celts? click here