The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170767   Message #4129990
Posted By: Malcolm Storey
25-Dec-21 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS proposed name change
Subject: RE: EFDSS proposed name change
Guest Peter obviously worked for the Grynyad - famous for their typos.

Bill Rutter actually worked for the Society and as far as I am aware was never a paying member of the Society.

It would seem that the definition of what constitutes running a folk event might be the next thing to have a long a totally wasteful / meaningless discussion on.

What the Society needs in either my humble opinion or just my opinion is some doers rather than what my dad used to term "gunners" - people who were gunner do this or gunner do that but never did either.

Henry missed the obvious one
F--k All. Spot on!