The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170767   Message #4130074
Posted By: Howard Jones
26-Dec-21 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS proposed name change
Subject: RE: EFDSS proposed name change
John makes a fair point about getting involved rather than carping from the sidelines, but I agree with Malcolm that there seems to be very few ways an individual member can become actively involved, and there is nothing on the website to suggest this would even be encouraged.

I have to confess all but one of the trustees is unfamiliar to me. Having googled a few of the others, many of them seem to have backgrounds in the arts and no doubt bring valuable skills and expertise, but I don't see much evidence of active involvement in folk music. Perhaps I am wrong, I haven't delved that deeply. I don't question their commitment, simply the direction they have chosen to take the Society.

The issue with insurance is that with only a few days to go before the year end they have apparently not yet agreed the renewal of the policy and are not yet able to issue certificates. Anyone relying on its PLI who has a New Year's Eve gig would be well advised to contact the insurers to see if they will be covered after midnight.

There was a rumpus a couple of years ago when they announced changes to the policy, with very little notice and part-way through the year, which removed PLI cover for performers who were paid more than expenses and for events which charged more than their immediate costs. This effectively removed cover from most of those who are most likely to actually need it, and left some professional performers without PLI in the middle of the festival season, and potentially in breach of their own contracts. After an outcry this was reversed, but not before many had been forced to take out cover elsewhere. Not only was the announcement of the change handled very badly, it showed an appalling lack of awareness of or interest in the sort of activities their members are doing.