The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24205   Message #4130078
Posted By: Jim Dixon
26-Dec-21 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Wanted: Songs for alcoholics!
Subject: Lyr Add: OUT OF LOVE (John Prine, Bill Caswell
I thought you might enjoy the way so many beer advertising slogans are woven into this love song:

Written by John Prine & Bill Caswell
As recorded on John Prine's album “German Afternoons” (1986)

1. Barley malts and does eat oats and little girls are lively,[1]
And your liveliness has left me in a brew;
So I'm sitting here just drinking beer ‘cause there's nothing else to do,
And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you.[2]

2. We were so happy, honey, when we were together,
Why, we should have won a ribbon colored blue,[3]
But those Rocky Mountain waters came between us,[4]
And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you.

CHORUS: So I'm living in the land of sky blue waters,[5]
And I'm grabbing all the gusto up, it's true.
Well, you only go around once in life, they say,[6]
And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you.

3. These teardrops that I'm crying are the champagne of bottled tears,[7]
And I must admit that I've shed one or two,
But when good friends get together[8], well, they always tip a few,
And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. CHORUS

4. So put me in a cool place, for I'm the King of Beers.[9]
Forty to forty-five degrees will do;
And if you must play that jukebox, let it be low and now[10]
'Cause when I'm out of love, I'm out of you. CHORUS

So if you got the time, we got the tears,[11]
And when I'm out of love, I'm out of you.

1 A reference to the lyrics of the song MAIRZY DOATS.
2 “When you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer” was the slogan of Schlitz beer.
3 A reference to Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
4 “Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water” was a slogan of Coors beer.
5 “From the land of sky-blue waters” was the slogan of Hamm’s beer.
6 “You only go around once in this life, so you have to grab for all the gusto you can get” was a slogan of Schlitz beer.
7 “The Champagne of Bottled Beer” was a slogan of Miller High Life beer.
8 “When good friends get together they say O.K. for O’Keefe’s” was a slogan for O’Keefe’s beer.
9 “The King of Beers” was the slogan of Budweiser beer.
10 “Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau” was a slogan for Lowenbrau beer.
11 “If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer” was a slogan for Miller High Life beer.