The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8066   Message #413111
Posted By: GUEST,Evy Mayer (ukelady)
07-Mar-01 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: Bill Staines homepage
Subject: RE: Bill Staines homepage
Here's the information we are sending out to our members about the upcoming Bill Staines concert in New York City, on Thursday, May 10th at 8PM. If you are anywhere near us, come to this concert for a great evening. For more information e-mail:

For over 30 years Bill Staines has traveled back and forth across North America, singing his songs and delighting audiences at festivals, folksong societies, colleges, concerts, clubs and coffeehouses.

Bill has become one of the most popular singers on the folk circuit today and averages around 200 concert dates a year. Bill weaves a gentle blend of wit and humor into his performances, Singing mostly his own songs, his music is a slice of Americana, reflecting with the same ease his feelings about the prairie people of the Midwest or the adventurers of the Yukon.

Interspersed between his own songs, Bill also includes songs ranging from traditional folk to more contemporary country ballads, and delights in having the audience participate in many of the numbers. He is also acclaimed for his yodeling.

Many of Bill's songs, such as "River" and "All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir," are well known to Pinewoods members.