The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170767   Message #4131178
Posted By: Alan Day
05-Jan-22 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS proposed name change
Subject: RE: EFDSS proposed name change
I went to the very first and many of the subsequent meetings of EFDSS and I found that it was a pleasant get together of musicians playing tunes and singing songs that formed friendships that have lasted a lifetime. From those early days many of us have branched into other types of music and there has been a cross over of styles , but I have never been approached by anyone to say "Excuse me this is not English". I must admit to running the first Euro Session at an EFDSS meeting and it was a full house and others have introduced these sessions to other festivals. In no way would I want to lose the English Traditional music that started me off in the folk Scene, but if rules " Only English music playing " were enforced and or other rules then it would spoil all of what has been achieved since this organisation started. My vote would be to leave it exactly as it is with the flexibility that we have all enjoyed.