The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170843   Message #4131722
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
09-Jan-22 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: Joan Baez - Happy Birthday! Jan. 9
Subject: Joan Baez - Happy Birthday! Jan. 9th
A big Happy Birthday Joan Baez, 81 years old today!
January 09, 2022.

Been listening to your music since I was 17 years old and you are the best! Have (I think) all of your albums, including "Joan Baez in San Francisco" (a rare one to have).
We may differ politically somewhat but I have loved your singing, guitar playing and songs you have written and covered. From a big fan in California and live not too far from Redlands, California, where you once lived.??

Hope your day is filled with joy. ????????????