The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168285   Message #4131836
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Jan-22 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects
Charmion, many of us have that thought daily, while not saying it out loud or committing pen to paper. It's a not wanting to be jinxed thing, one of those sedition thoughts one keeps in mind only, in case someone in the future decides to act. Senator Joseph McCarthy's ghost is among us still.

Here is a piece of nonsense that, since it isn't a COVID cure, does belong in the Trump bullshit camp. This kind of fighting against common sense comes straight from that horse's ass's mouth. (The Daily Beast is no longer considered a reputable news source, but it's the kind of place that this guy will talk to.)

Anti-COVID-19 “Vaccine Police” leader Christopher Key has a new quarter-baked conspiracy theory for his anti-vax followers to use to cure themselves of COVID-19: Drink their own urine. “The antidote that we have seen now, and we have tons and tons of research, is urine therapy. OK, and I know to a lot of you this sounds crazy, but guys, God’s given us everything we need,” Key said in a video posted over the weekend on his Telegram account after being released from jail over a trespassing charge. “This has been around for centuries,” he added. “When I tell you this, please take it with a grain of salt,” the anti-vaccine advocate warned while saying people might now think he is “cray cray.” “Now drink urine!” he continued. “This vaccine is the worst bioweapon I have ever seen,” he concluded. “I drink my own urine!” Reached for comment by The Daily Beast on Sunday night, Key doubled down on what he calls “urine therapy” and railed against “foolish” people who took the COVID-19 vaccine, which is safe and effective.