The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31617   Message #413418
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
08-Mar-01 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: Shakespeare a doper ?
Subject: RE: Shakespeare a doper ?
Until the arrival on the scene of The Oxford English Dictionary in the 1800s, along with Webster's and other tomes, spelling was a rather subjective art, being held to no known standards. Johnson's earlier work was primarily a satirical piece. Thus we find that many individuals spelled common words, and their names as well, in a multiplicity of variations.

By the way, I saw recently that an American Lexicographer had been added to the OED staff, and was responsible for the addition of such new terms as "yo", "scuz-bucket", and "master of the universe".

Yo! Thank goodness the old scuz-buckets at the OED have finally come to their senses. What's next...the Oxford American Dictionary?