The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31575   Message #413491
Posted By: Peg
08-Mar-01 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: BLIZZARD! (Virtually Snowed In)
Subject: RE: BS: BLIZZARD! (Virtually Snowed In)
Thanks, all, for your kind wishes. WYSIWYG, if you wish to pray for me, that would be lovely! All kinds of helping hands are welcome. Thanks for the offer, Amos! I wish I could buy it myself! Given the price they are asking for the whole house ($400,000) it hit me the other day: I am living in a $180,000 condo!! What a life. Ten years ago, this house would not have even cost half of that...

If I get to stay on a bit I shall have a Mudcat gathering here! Okay, there isn't the huge space we had at Barry's but enough for a crowd maybe half that size...

More snow on the way: six inches or more; mixed with rain...