The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31720   Message #413502
Posted By: Jeri
08-Mar-01 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Recommended Session Tunes
Subject: Recommended Session Tunes
This thread gave me an idea. Does anyone else think commonly played tunes might be a good topic for a permathread?

We seem to talk about good tunes a lot - "What are your favorite jigs/reels/whatever?" I don't think there's enough space on the planet to list everyone's favorites. I don't know if I can just say I want to start a permathread, or whether I have to check with Joe or Max or somebody first.

The object is to recommend tunes for a person to learn so he/she can go to a session and have something they can play with others. Here's what I'm think of:

What do you think? Is this worth doing? Does the process sound reasonable, or do you have a better idea? Are 50 tunes too many? Too few? Am I completely nuts for proposing this?