The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76680   Message #4136285
Posted By: Piers Plowman
12-Feb-22 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: What Is the Best First Instrument?
Subject: RE: What Is the Best First Instrument?
Those kids look like they're having fun. So much for children should be seen and not heard.

Your instruments remind me of Spike Jones and PDQ Bach.

One of the things I got for my friend's kids was a metallophone from an antique/junk store. I think it cost 5 €. It's like a toy xylophone but with lengths of aluminum pipe, like they sell at building supply stores, cut to various lengths and thus tuned to the chromatic (I think) scale, and painted in different colors. I think they played with it some.

I would have been very happy to keep it for myself and now that they've outgrown it, I asked the mother if I could buy it back (the parents had paid for it). She said she'd give it to me and I should get it the next time I'm over there. I can't wait! I wanted it to record "Suzy Snowflake" for Christmas but now I'll have to wait until December.

Something that resonated (so to speak) better with the children was the practice pad I got for them, which they referred to as "the drum". They played with it in my presence several times. I wonder if they realize what a useful item it is for adults, too.