The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4206 Message #4136605
Posted By: GUEST,FJ Cochlainn
14-Feb-22 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Tim Finnegan's / Finigan's Wake
Subject: RE: Biddy O'Brien and Tim Finnegan?
Wow- What a treat to stumble on this thread from '98. Believe it or not, I did not yet exist when Leprechaun first bravely proposed Tim and Biddy O'Brien's affair. It was not until a year later I made my worldly debut. I agree they were fooling around; Biddy got loose-lipped from the liquor and revealed her attachment, then a brawl ensued. I would also like to see an original manuscript, perhaps we aren't just conspiracy-minded. Hope all of you are well 23 years down the road.