The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31617 Message #413679
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
08-Mar-01 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Shakespeare a doper ?
Subject: RE: Shakespeare a doper ?
Don't know 'bout England, but the Northwest coast of America is frequented by the mugwort plant, mainly along the coastlines. It developed a pseudonym in the 1700's and was known as "sailor's tobacco". It is a close relative of the absynthe herb, wormwood. Nowadays, mugwort is often used in what are called "dream pillows", which stimulate one's dreams. Smoking it produces a gentle calm and a very mild buzz.
It has been said, that the original tobacco, so coveted by folks everywhere, was a mild hallucinagen, and that the cultivar we now smoke, is quite dulling by comparison.
I find it unrealistic to assume that Shakespeare wrote better under stoned circumstances. At least, it sure doesn't work for me. However, to intuitively put together a rough outline..., to laugh at the divine comedy... well,... what do you think?