The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171036   Message #4137202
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Feb-22 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Martyn Wyndham-Read- Concert Feb 18-notes
Subject: Martyn Wynham-Read-TODAY 8 PM London Tim
Falcon House Concerts hosts a concert by Martyn Wyndham-Read TODAY, February 19, at 8 PM London time. That's noon in Los Angeles and 3 PM in New York.

Information is at

As per usual with house concerts, these performances are free and open to all who can get within eyeball distance of a computer screen. But, as per usual with house concerts, we hope our viewers will support the performers by chucking a few bucks, quid, dollars, euros into the proverbial tip jar. These donations can be made in any denomination/currency via or Paypal to During the concert, the PayPal account information will periodically be displayed on screen. Donations are gladly accepted up to a week after the concert date. Falcon Audio Visual Arts will disperse the money collected: 80% to the artists or their designated beneficiaries; 20% to Falcon Audio Visual Arts Studio for overhead expenses

To tune into the livestream event, go to This will automatically take you to the Falcon House Concert “stage,” when the stream is 'live', where you can catch a few minutes of pre-show entertainment and adjust your settings accordingly. If you are unable to catch the live broadcast (because of time zone challenges), you will be able to watch it at your convenience on YouTube for a week. After that, the videos will be available through the Falcon House Concert Archive.