The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159235   Message #4138143
Posted By: Rapparee
01-Mar-22 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rap for emperor
Subject: RE: BS: Rap for emperor
The Imperial Vocal Cords were only impaired for a brief time. We can still say, "You are to be taken from this place to the place of confinement and there fastened for the floor. A weight will be place upon your chest, and day by day more weights added until you either repent of your evil ways or are in such a condition that you can no longer do so. And you will be given on the first day as much water as you can drink from the source nearest the door of your place of punishment, and on the second half a loaf of moldy bread, and so continue alternating water and bread for the period you are punished. Imperial Dungeon Keeper, do your duty!"

We shall not trouble you with Our other traditional sentences.

Emperor Rapparee, Imperious Rex          ®          His Mark