The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9182   Message #4139208
Posted By: Tony Rees
15-Apr-22 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jesus Met Woman at the Well/Maid & Palmer
Subject: RE: Origins: Well Below the Valley/Maid & Palmer
Here are the snippets I have been able to extract via Google Books from the 1955 Anna Ní Mháille version mentioned above, in Anne O'Connor, "Child Murderess and Dead Child Traditions" - not the whole text (it would be nice to see this!):

There was a rider passin' by
There was a rider passing by
He askhed a drink, as he was dry
At the well below the valley, oh!
My washing tub it is afloat
Green grows the valley, oh!

If I give you a drink, I might fall in
In the well below the valley, oh!
(Says she)"My true love never was born"
She swore by grass an' swore by corn
That her true love never was born
"How dar' you tell me such a lie
An' you havin' six childer, by the by,
At the well below the valley, oh!
... ...

An' three more behind the hall door
At the well below the valley, oh!
"So's you're a man o' such a skill
What's goin' to happen me?
"You're going to be
Seven years a nut in a wood
Seven years a tongue in a bell
... ...