The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171163   Message #4139454
Posted By: RTim
18-Apr-22 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Bold Daniels
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Bold Daniels
A version collected in Hampshire by Dr. Gardiner..
Tim Radford..

Bold Daniel - Thomas Stone – Portsmouth by Dr. Gardiner
Roud 1899 (also Lovett) Battle of Guaira was March 2nd 1743

‘Twas on the twentieth of September from St. Helens we set sail,
May heaven guard and guide us with a sweet and pleasant gale,
We are called the Roving Lizzie. But Bold Daniels tis our name,
And we’re bound to La Guaira upon the Spanish Main. (Repeat line)

When we got to La Guaira our orders they ran so,
To discharge our cargo and proceed to Callao. (in Peru)
Our Captain called all hands right aft, and unto us did say,
Here’s money for you today my boys, tomorrow we’re going away.

We had not been sailing past days two or three,
When a man from our masthead a strange sail he did see,
With a black flag under her mizzen peak came bearing down our way,
Oh, hang it, that is a pirate, Bold Daniel he did say.

Quite early the next morning the strange sail hove alongside,
With a loud speaking trumpet, where are you from, he cried?
We are called the Roving Lizzie, but Bold Daniels’ is our name,
And we’ve come from La Guaira upon the Spanish Main.

Haul down your main courses and heave your ship under my lee.
I’ll see you be hanged, said Daniel, I’d rather sink at sea;
So up with our undaunted flag their hearts to terrify,
With our small arms and our big guns and damn it, we did let fly.

They mustered twelve twelve-pounders and a crew of one hundred men,
From the time the action did begin ‘twas just about half past ten,
We mustered six six-pounders and a crew of twenty-two,
But in twenty-five minutes by my watch, the Spaniard sung out, Mon Dieu!

And now the prize we’ve taken upon the Columbian shore,
We’ll sail for a place in America called the city of Baltimore,
We’ll drink success to Bold Daniel, like wise his noble crew,
For we fought and beat the Spaniard with his noble twenty-two.