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Thread #170900   Message #4139565
Posted By: Raedwulf
19-Apr-22 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wordle
Subject: RE: BS: Wordle
Elimination of consonants will be the name of the game!

*shrug* I did point this out to folks. Also, P is not a particularly good letter for a first line; rather than PLANT, try SCANT or SLANT, if you are so inclined. P is about 15th most common; C & L are both more frequent.

However, also bear in mind that letter frequency becomes less useful as uncertainty decreases. The perfect example of this is from a few days ago, when I got SHA*E (IIRC, it was SHAME). There are 6 possible letters to fill P4 (although to get to SHA*E, you must have eliminated at least one of those, of course!). At this point, letter frequency means nothing; all of the words are valid, all equally likely. Presuming they're in the limited (2315 out of @12K 5 letter words by US spelling) dikker.

This is where Wordle fails for me, because it becomes a straight guessing game, no skill involved (vice Steve's remark about a 1/6 being pure luck). No matter that R is around 7.3 times more likely to appear in words than V, when it comes down to a single letter, SHAVE has just as much chance (1 in 5, presumably!) to be the word as SHARE.

If I run into one of those situations where I have more possible words than remaining guesses, I generally quit at L5. I had exactly this today. Unfortunately for me, I got P2, P4 & P5 on L3. By getting P1&3 wrong, I eliminated more than two other possible words, but it still left...

Well, on L4, I used a particular letter in P3 for which there are at least 9 possible P1s (5 had already been removed). Both letters were wrong, which reduced the pool of available words by another 5 or 6, since there were options for P1 at P3. That still left at least 3 possible words, using SIX different letters with no way of logically reducing them. I took one further guess on L5, it was wrong, I quit. I don't play Wordle when it's nothing but a guessing game.