The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168285   Message #4139568
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Apr-22 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Actions & Effects (NO new Trmp threads!)
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Actions and Effects
Yes, I've heard about that, and Rachel Maddow discussed how Putin smeared people who built a monument to Stalin's victims (accusing those caretakers of the site with being child pornographers, "the worst of the worst human beings.") Then buried them in prison and had the mass graves bulldozed. Maddow pointed out hints of that same strategy in how GOP tried to suggest that (then) Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was "soft on child pornographers."

All of this led to an interview with Jane Mayer, who wrote The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees
In an escalation of partisan warfare, a little-known dark-money group is trying to thwart the President’s entire slate.
Rather than attack a single candidate or nominee, the A.A.F. aims to thwart the entire Biden slate. The obstructionism, like the Republican blockade of Biden’s legislative agenda in Congress, is the end in itself. The group hosts a Web site,, that displays the photographs of Administration nominees it has targeted, as though they were hunting trophies. And the A.A.F. hasn’t just undermined nominees for Cabinet and Court seats—the kinds of prominent people whose records are usually well known and well defended. It’s also gone after relatively obscure, sub-Cabinet-level political appointees, whose public profiles can be easily distorted and who have little entrenched support. The A.A.F., which is run by conservative white men, has particularly focussed on blocking women and people of color. As of last month, more than a third of the twenty-nine candidates it had publicly attacked were people of color, and nearly sixty per cent were women.

A bit later in the article, we learn:
The A.A.F. told the I.R.S. that its mission is to conduct nonpartisan research, but it is curious that the largest contribution by far to its parent group, C.P.I., is a million-dollar “charitable contribution” from Save America—Trump’s political-action committee. Trump reportedly raised much of the pac’s money from supporters after his 2020 defeat, and his campaign has called the group an “election defense fund.”