The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171198   Message #4140304
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Apr-22 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Subject: RE: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
No it is not the same as mine, not remotely, in the sense that he has a platform that I don't have. Make your mind up as to whether he deserves that just because he's mega-rich. Or pop stars or film stars because they happen to be handsome or have talents that are nothing to do with being knowledgeable, erudite, learned or wise. Or because you're Bob Geldof. I have freedom of speech here on Mudcat, but if I don't exercise restraint or show that my freedom to say what I like is tempered by my responsibility to be kind, never hateful or hurtful or threatening, I'll be deleted, banned or, at best, given a good bollocking. In microcosm, that reflects the way the world should be, in m'humble. Beware the man or woman who bleats about their "free speech" being threatened. Generally, they have something horrible to say.