The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171198   Message #4140371
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Apr-22 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Subject: RE: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Misquote me all you like. I'm used to that here. I don't recognise your alternative version as any more valid than mine, but of course, you're entitled to state it. The basic point about disagreeing on an internet forum, as far as I'm concerned, is that you validate your disagreement with an alternative argument. So far, you haven't managed to put that. As it happens, I embrace the concept of free speech and I abhor the ban on free speech in undemocratic countries such as Russia. But untrammelled free speech, aka say what you like no matter how hurtful, bigoted or inflammatory, is morally deficient. Any freedoms we have in democracies must always be tempered by our responsibilities to others. That means no hate speech, no racist speech, no incitement to threats against people, no speech to make people feel afraid. If you don't get that, then you're a bit like Trump, in other words, you don't really get democracy.