The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171198   Message #4140447
Posted By: saulgoldie
28-Apr-22 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Subject: RE: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
There are two parts to free speech. First part is the *what* of the speech. The second is the *where* part.

So, should people be allowed to say any bloody thing they want? Should there be legal consequences for saying certain things? Now, if someone is standing on the sidewalk shouting at passersby, should there be restrictions on what they may say/shout? Because even the most horrible words don't travel more than ten feet without amplification.

And that is the second part: where, and by what means. Megaphone? electric amplification? In front of what audience? An audience that chooses to be there? A room full of students who are required to be there? An auditorium that is financed with public tax dollars? Radio waves that are, theoretorically owned by "everyone?" Telephone lines? Internet resources, such as social media?

I have my own favorite notions. I mean, obviously, noone should yell "Theatre" in a crowded fire. Obviously. But what constitutes hate speech, or lies, or if anyone should necessarily have access to what resources and under what circumstances, that is the question.

I am supremely confident that the powers that be will make decisions that are at least somewhat wrong, mostly wrong, or maybe totally wrong. I have confidence.
