The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171213 Message #4140564
Posted By: Felipa
28-Apr-22 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhoidheach
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Bu tu mo chruinneag bhòidheach
the new verses in English about Canada, Germany,Cordoba and World Music are not translations of the Gaelic verses given in the first message; the verse about the stars is. The Gaelic about going to Ireland says I would go to Ireland to the festival of the young women, and the verse about Uist (Uibhist), I would go to Uist where the corn is ripe.
Dheighinn dhan a' ghealaich leat Nan gealladh tu mo phòsadh.
I would go to the moon with you If you would promise to marry me
I would go to Uist, I would go to Ireland, I would go to the stars, etc.
I think it may also be mentioned in a compilation of songs with similar fill-oro choruses, but I can't find that. I know I have come across the new lyrics, the ones given in English in this thread, before. They are in this Talitha MacKenzie version
Dheidhinn leat a dh'Uibhist A sheòladh air Loch Aineort
Dheidhinn leat a dhan Ghearmailt A cheannach grìogag òmar
Dheidhinn leat a dh'Eirinn A chluinntinn ceòl na clàrsaich
Dheidhinn leat a Chanada A sheinn aig Loch Ontario
Dheidhinn leat a Chórdoba A dh'ithe biadh al fresco
Dheidhinn leat a Riocaud A chluich Ceòl na Cruinne
-- more work for Joe or another mudelf, to combine these two threads. And although "bhòidheach" is correct, maybe we still have to leave the accent marks (as in ò) out of thread titles to make the words searchable.