The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171198   Message #4140621
Posted By: Donuel
29-Apr-22 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Subject: RE: BS: The free-speech absolutist strikes
Who cares that you will not accept facts? I'll tell you there are people who care and believe if one is not whole the rest of us will not be whole, if one of us is broken we can not be mended until we are all mended. Thats too idealistic and cultish for my taste. We can rid ourselves of delusion with effort and support. Usually it is the delusion of fear and being attacked all the time. Sufferers naturally blame the other when it is 99% likely the fault is inside the sufferer.
Frankly my dear I don't give a damn. About free speech I am speaking of the facts maam, just the facts. You may believe in a higher power than law and the court and that would be protected religious speech. Ironic eh?

Since 1990 the court allowed me to wear underweaar featuring the American flag. Prior to then it would have been a crime. Here on mudcat protected symbolic free speech applies to all song lyrics.