The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160554   Message #4141047
Posted By: Felipa
03-May-22 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: 'On last Election Day'
Subject: Lyr Add: 'On last Election Day' (Sean Mone)

I’ll never forget the fun we had
On last election day
Sure, i thought that half the town was mad,
On last election day
I dressed myself in me Sunday clothes
I looked such a toff from head to toe
Then somebody upped and busted my nose
On last election day

On last election day
I sure did hip hooray
I gave three cheers for the grand old man
and three more for his Home Rule plan
I was carried away on a liberal ban
On last election day

I went into a pub to wet my throat
On last election day
Says a fella to me, where did ya vote?
On last election day
Says I, my names on a liberal list
Says he, take THIS from a unionist
he gave my head such a hella twist
On last election day

On last election day
He didn’t give me fair play
He kicked me with his hog toe boots
Ripped patterns off my Sunday suit
He pulled my whiskers out by the roots
On last election day

Well I climbed a wall that was nine-feet high
On last election day
To make a speech, I had to try
On last election day
Says I, fellow-countrymen never fear
Our foes will fall and without…. oh dear
But I slipped and fell down on the point of me ear
On last election day

On last election day
where on the ground I lay
The crowd they thought it such a joke
They laughed and shouted ‘good-old bloke’
They didn’t give a damn that me neck was broke
On last election day

But when I came home with my clothes destroyed
On last election day
Well the wife she really got annoyed
On last election day
She says ‘You fool!, look what you’ve done’
‘The state of your clothes and your money gone’
She thew at me the youngest son
On last election day

On last election day
She didn’t give me fair play
She bipped and bopped me like a mule
She hit me with her three-legged stool
I’ll tell you she gave me Home Rule
On last election day