The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4141565
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-May-22 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
One of Corbyn's "millstones," apart from the mass media, was the determined and constant briefing against him by members of his own party. All those people who refused to serve in his shadow cabinet and who rarely missed a chance to berate him publicly. They did the Tories' job for them. It was unforgivable that the senior members of the party wouldn't at least publicly get behind the properly-elected party leader. It was transparently obvious what they were doing. I suppose that it'll be one of them who succeeds Starmer (the sooner the better). He was fence-sitter-in-chief with regard to Corbyn and the party's disastrous brexit shenanigans, but just look at how he's treated Corbyn and other good leftie people such as Becky Long-Bailey and Ken Livingstone since. Not a man of principle in m'humble, in spite of his posturing as such. He's all misplaced expediency and no substance. And I'm still a member!