The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4142514
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
25-May-22 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
I sympathise, SPB. Herself's listening to the parliamentary coverage (called "doing her knitting by the used-heads basket" here), and praying for a guillotine motion. Thoughts occur:

* The behaviour reported reminds me of the Chetwynd Society in King's College Cambridge [no, I was not a choral scholar]: their alcoholic exploits were legendary, and got them banned from every room in college in turn. The last I heard, they were on their second circuit.

* Were this a school, it would have long since been put in Special Measures, and a competent headmaster would have been parachuted in. It annoys me how, the lower the level of society you are in, the scricter the application of rules.

* I foresee a massive cull in Number Ten, but no change of alleged leader, along the lines of the Night of the Long Knives in Harold Macmillan's days. Sadly, something like the Profumo affair (which finally saw Supermac off) wouldn't nowadays register higher than a hiccup on the political seismometers.

* Everybody who got fined for parties during lockdown should send the bill to Number Ten, with a handling charge to cover loss of business, reputation etc.

TL;DR (de Pfeffel): "I see improvement." He does like three-word slogans.

TL;DR (David Davies, and others): "In God's name, go."

.... End of rant. I have been Told there's something more important to be doing (the drying-up).