The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171306   Message #4142733
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-May-22 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Burke's Confession
Subject: ADD Version: Burke's Confession
BURKE'S CONFESSION (Greig-Duncan #192D)

1. William Burke it is my name, in Ireland I was born
I leave a wife behind me, my wretched end to mourn
It was for Scotland I was bound, employment to find
No thought of cruel murder was then into my mind.

2. I sought and found employment to work in a canal
It was there I met McDugel which proved my downfall
And from my honest labour he caused me to stray
And from our grieving parents we both did run away.

3. Edinburgh trade being very dull, no work there could be found
We then prepared to leave it was for Glasgow bound
While stopping at a west port, to get refereshments there
I never will forget the hour I met wi’ Willie Hare.

4. We being strangers in the place we thought him very kind
And little knew the hard thoughts that Hare had in his mind
He showed us through his lodging house it was upon our way,
This man he kept poor lodgers and stole their lives away.

5. To assist in this cruel murder, at first I was afraid
But soon my heart grew hardened and I followed out the trade
Now I do keep a lodging house, supported by this man
And the price the doctors gave for them we murdered many a one.

6. To keep down suspicion, we went out at a back door,
The doctors always bought them and told us to bring more
To assist in this cruel murder, at first I thought no ill
Till sixty men and women I willingly did kill.

7. It's nae the murdering of them that caused my disgrace
But the murdering of a little child that smiled into my face
I did not mean to harm it, it was so very mild
But my wife she swore she would discover me if I did not kill that child

8. But I am now discovered and landed into jail
I well knew I was guilty so my heart began to fail
It was Hare that ensnared me, and led me astray
But now he’s turned King’s evidence, and swore my life away.

9. But now they have discovered him, from his country he must fly
And a harder fate awaits him yet before the day he die
But now the cap’s drawn o’er my face, and hides me from all view My cruel life is at an end and so I bid you all adieu.