The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167430   Message #4142855
Posted By: GUEST
30-May-22 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
“(257) §. CXLI. Aux premiers cris… signifient proprement ce cri par lequel on anime les matelots à ramer avec vigueur. Il se dit aussi de la chanson que chantent les matelots en ramant. Les Latins disoient, à l'imitation des Grecs, Celeusma. Hygini, Fab. XIV, pag. 55, cum notis Munckeri et Van Staveren.”
[Histoire, Vol.3, Herodotus (Ctesias) 1802]

“CALO'MA, f.f. (Naút.) Singing out of failors when they haul a rope.
SALO'MA, f.f.
1. (Naút.) Singing out of failors.
2. (Ict.) Goldline. (Sparus Salpa, Linn.)
SALOMA'R v.n. (Naút.) To fing out.
ZALO'MA, f.f. (Naút.) Singing out of feamen when they haul with a rope.
ZALOMA'R, v.n. (Naút.) To fing out.”
[A New Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages, Neuman, 1802]