The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31521   Message #414438
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce O.
09-Mar-01 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: American National Anthem
Subject: RE: American National Anthem
Sarah, Omaha was a great place to grow up in, but I found after a couple months elsewhere that I had no urge to return except to see what's left. Those holsteins that used to be in the pasture across Dodge from U. of Omaha weren't the the last time I looked. Is Peony Park still around? I got my social security card at age 12 so I could get a job helping to clean it up after it got flooded (again). Mud 6 inches deep. My grandfater's house in East Omaha got flooded every time the Missouri decided it was flood time, and he came to live with us in west Omaha (about a mile from the Aksarben). We'd got down every night to see how much of the chimney was visible, and every one would palaver for about half an hour about how soon he'd get back to clean up. Missouri floods were better than those at Peony Park; the mud was only about a 1/2 inch deep, and the walls were cleaner than before the flood. Automatic spring cleaning.