The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6884   Message #41446
Posted By: AndreasW
13-Oct-98 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: Two Old German Rhymes - INFO??
Subject: RE: Two Old German Rhymes - INFO??
Hi there,

Even if you have the German letters äöüÄÖÜß available on your keyboard,
you should use the html character codes here,
as not every user will have the same code set.
If you use the html characters,
still everyone with a reasonable browser
can see them correctly. The html characters are:

ä for ä,
ö for ö
ü for ü
Ä for Ä
Ö for Ö
Ü for Ü
ß for ß

with the uml as abbreviation of umlaut
and lig as abbreviation of ligature
(although the ß developped out of the 2 forms
of the small letter "s" in the gothic Fraktur letter set,
not from "s" and "z", it is called most commonly
"Eszett" (es-zed), although the name "Scharfes s" (sharp s) is more correct)
